Dana Vrajitoru
C151 Multi-User Operating Systems

C151 Homework 5

Due date: Monday, March 1, 2021.

Ex. 1. Compilation

Inside the week5 folder created in Lab 5, create a folder called planets. Copy the following files to that folder:


Alternatively, you can copy the entire folder in a single command using the option -R.

Compile each source file one by one to create the compiled .class files. Verify that these files were created.

Execute the project starting using the Main.

Create a jar file with the Main marked as an entry point with the command

jar cfe planets.jar Main *.class

Then run the jar file with the command

java -jar planets.jar

Copy all the commands and their results to a file called hw5.txt (terminal log).

Submit to Canvas: the files hw5.txt and planets.jar.