Dana Vrajitoru
C101/I210 Computer Programming

C101/I210 Lab 2

Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020.
Due date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020.

Ex. 1. Launching Eclipse and creating a project.

Make sure your computer is booted on Windows. If it's not, then restart it - by default, it should load Windows. Otherwise, hold the Alt key while rebooting, which should trigger a menu from which you can choose the operating system.

Open Eclipse from the Start menu. If this is the first time you open this program, it will ask you to choose a directory for your workspace. The path proposed by default should be fine. Click on Launch.

New Project. To start this lab, click on Create a new Java project. Name the project lab2, then click Finish. You will be asked next if you want to create a file for module info. You can click on Don't Create. This is not necessary, but it shouldn't hurt anything if you do create it.

New Class. With the project selected, click on the New button in the toolbar at the top, first from the left. From the pop-up menu, select Class. If the Package line is empty, write in lab2. Under Name write HelloWorld (no spaces). Below that, there's a question about method stubs to create. Check the first one to add the public static void main. Now you can click on Finish.

Output a Message. Inside the main method, below the comment starting with TODO, add the following line:

System.out.println("Hello world!");

Save the file. This is the file, HelloWorld.java, that you will need to turn in at the end of the lab.

Run the Application. From the Run menu, choose Run. You can remember the shortcut Ctrl-F11 for faster execution. Below the editor, in the Console, you should see the text "Hello World!" displayed. Now you have completed your first Java application.

Workbench. Close the Eclipse application, then open it again. To go back to your previous workspace, click on Workbench. This should take you to what the application looked like before you closed it.

Ex. 2. Your own modifications.
Turn in: the HelloWorld.java file (nothing else).

Upload it to Canvas in Assignments - Homework 2, or wait until you have completed the homework to upload both files at the same time.