Dana Vrajitoru
I310/D513 Multimedia Arts and Technology

I310 Homework 8

Due Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2016.

Ex. 1. Complete Lab 8. Upload the zipped folder to Canvas. This part must be done individually by each student.

Ex. 2. The second exercise is a group assignment. The teams are the same as for Homework 2.

Make a copy of the project created for the lab or add another scene to it.

a. Theme. Choose a theme for your slot machine. Recreate the assets for the game based on the theme you chose. You can use a different format for the Game area if it's more appropriate for your theme.

b. Game functionality. Improve the functionality of the game with the following aspects:

Create a Windows or Mac executable for this. Create a zip file with the entire project (including the executable) so that I can see the assets you created too.

Upload: The zip file from the lab individually and the zip file for exercise 2 as a group (one submission per group is sufficient).