Dana Vrajitoru
I310/D513 Multimedia Arts and Technology

I310 Homework 7

Due Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2016.

Ex. 1 Complete the Lab 7 and then upload the 3 resulting mp3 or wav files to Canvas - Homework 7.

Ex. 2 Download the following files:

These files implement a simple game of guessing a number between 0 and 100. After 10 attempts the game is over. If you play the game directly from the course page, it should have full functionality.

The game uses four sound files: high.mp3, low.mp3, lost.mp3, and wright.mp3. They are used for the situations where the guess is too high, too low, where the game is lost, and when the game is won respectively.

Create four short mp3 files for the purposes of this game and give them the exact names specified above. Save these files in the same directory as the html and js files. Then your game should be able to use them if you run it locally. For that, just open the html file in a browser.

Homework submission: Upload to Canvas the three mp3 files created in the lab, and the four mp3 files created for the homework.